Terms Of Use

We extend our gratitude for selecting PicsArt Club and utilizing its range of online and mobile services, including applications and games. PicsArt Club is dedicated to providing a diverse set of services to its users.

To ensure a smooth and secure experience, we have established the “Terms of Use” applicable to all services offered by PicsArt.Club.
By accessing any of the services provided by PicsArt Club, users are deemed to have accepted and agreed to abide by the following terms.

PicsArt Club offers a diverse array of online and mobile services, accessible from any location, providing users with a delightful experience. All apps and games are freely available for download and installation directly from the Pi website. By perusing these Terms of Use, PicsArt grants users the right to use its services appropriately as offered on the website. However, it is essential to note that users are not permitted to utilize any personal properties of PicsArt.club, such as trademarks, logos, branding, and so forth.

PicsArt Club will regularly update the conditions of its services, which may involve the addition or removal of certain functions or features within the website.

Should any issues arise about the features and services, users may reach out to the PicsArt Club Support Team via email.

Please be aware that using 4G/LTE networks while browsing PicsArt Club may result in additional fees, depending on your mobile carrier. PicsArt Club holds no responsibility for these actions. For further information on this matter, kindly contact your respective mobile carrier.

Copyright of Content

PicsArt respects all intellectual property rights, and any content provided by users remains their own and should be treated as such.

If users post content related to our services, it may be exposed by PicsArt. Consequently, PicsArt will have the right to display, modify, and distribute this content to our members and partners.

Users retain the authority to delete their content when needed, while PicsArt will adhere to copyright laws in such cases.

Picsart reserves the right to delete, remove, or block content that violates relevant laws. However, PicsArt is not permitted to edit or manipulate the content. If users believe their content rights have been infringed, they can reach out to the PicsArt Support Team for further assistance and services.

Terms of Use Are Subject to Change

To maintain compliance with the law and ensure the consistency and relevance of PicsArt Club Services, PicsArt Club reserves the right to update or modify the existing Terms of Use.

Failure to agree with these changes will result in the inability to access PicsArt Club Services.